
Answer True or False for each question. After successful completion of the exam, you will be able to download PDF Certification.

Rapid instant test cups are accurate, easy to use, and provide quick results.(Required)
Instant Test Cups can still be used after the expiration date on the test packet.(Required)
The temperature strip on the urine specimen cup should read above 90 degrees F and below 100 degrees F(Required)
Results from urine instant test cups should be read 5 minutes after activation.(Required)
Extreme temperatures will not affect the test kits as long as they are administered at room temperature.(Required)
If there is no C line, the test is invalid(Required)
The FDA has cleared (approved) the Origin Instant test cup to be sold in the US.(Required)
Specimen identification is mandatory.(Required)
A line next to both the C and the T means the test is negative for that specific drug.(Required)
A faint or partial T line means the test is positive for the drug.(Required)
Positive results should be confirmed through GCMS laboratory testing.(Required)
Prescription and over the counter drugs may cause a non-negative drug test result.(Required)
The test administrator should verify the donor's identification before administering the test.(Required)
If you want to keep the test results, you can take a picture or Xerox the test kit.(Required)
It is valid to read the test results on the kit for 6 months after administering the test.(Required)
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